Winter Lawn Care

Winter Turf Care

Taking care of your lawn in winter, especially in cooler climates, is essential for maintaining its health. Here are some tips specifically tailored for our cool-season turf:

  1. Keep the Lawn Clean: Ensure the lawn is free of heavy snow for extended periods. Prolonged snow cover can invite diseases like snow mold.
  2. Limit Foot Traffic: Try to avoid walking on frozen grass as it can damage the blades. It’s more susceptible to breaking when frozen.
  3. Watering: Your lawn might still need watering in winter, especially if there’s a dry spell. Water during the warmest part of the day to avoid freezing.
  4. Snow Removal: If snow does accumulate, gently remove it from the lawn to prevent compacting the grass.
  5. Monitor for Diseases: Keep an eye out for snow mold and other diseases that might develop during winter. Proper lawn care practices can help prevent these issues.

Frozen Grass Damage

Frozen grass is very delicate and can be damaged easily by foot traffic or cars driving over it. Most times the grass will recover in the spring growing season but it will look like an alien walked or drove over your lawn until then. It is best to keep traffic to a minimum on a frozen lawn.

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